Didn’t like the SX1 at all – was just big and clunky, and have got so used to the SonyEricsson interface that trying to get my head around the Siemens one just didn’t do it for me. I thought I’d like the whacky key layout too, but just wan’t really up my street.
So – that’s gone on ebay (sadly didn’t quite make up what it cost me – lost about 30 quid, sigh), and instead I’ve got myself a K700i, which is an awesome phone. Does everything I want, without any fuss or bother or irritating little features (unlike both the Sagem My-V65 and the SX1).
Actually that’s not true – with the newest firmware it makes a horrid crunching noise (that I think is meant to sound like a shutter) whenever you take a picture. On the older firmware you could turn this off. Still, nevermind, eh?