H. Wang, K.W. Brodlie, J.W. Handley, J.D. Wood Service-oriented approach to collaborative visualization. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 20 (11), pp.1289-1301. August 2008.
S. Lloyd, D. Gavaghan, A. Simpson, M. Mascord, C. Seneurine, G. Williams, J. Pitt-Francis, D. Boyd, D. Mac Randal, L. Sastry, S. Nagella, K. Weeks, R. Fowler, D. Hanlon, J. Handley, G. de Fabritiis
Integrative Biology – The Challenges of Developing a Collaborative Research Environment for Heart and Cancer Modelling
Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier, 23 (3), pp 457-465. March 2007.
J.W. Handley, K.W. Brodlie, R.H. Clayton
Model Based Visualization of Cardiac Virtual Tissue in Proceedings of the UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2006 paper 593.
H. Wang, K.W. Brodlie, J.W. Handley, J.D. Wood
Service-Oriented Approach to Collaborative Visualization
in Proceedings of the UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2006 paper 651
Sharon Lloyd, David Gavaghan, David Boyd, Denis Noble, Blanca Rodriguez, Thushka Maharaj, Martin Bishop, Richard Clayton, James Handley, Ken Brodlie, Gernot Plank Integrative Biology: Real science through e-Science in Proceedings of the UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2006 paper 628
J.W. Handley, K.W. Brodlie, R.H. Clayton
Multi-Variate Visualization of Cardiac Virtual Tissue in Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Symposium on Computer Based Medical Systems (CBMS’06), pp 665-670, IEEE Computing Press, 2006.
O.V. Aslanidi, K.W. Brodlie, R.H. Clayton, J.W. Handley, A.V. Holden, J. Wood Remote visualization and computational steering of cardiac virtual tissues using gViz
in Simon J Cox and David W Walker (editors) Proceedings of the UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2005 paper 433.
J.W. Handley
Multivariate Visualization of Cardiac Virtual Tissue Invited talk at The Second Workshop on Scientific Data Mining, Integration & Visualization (SMDIV2)
14-15th December 2005, e-Science Institute, University of Edinburgh
Terahertz Imaging
Phd Thesis
J.W. Handley
Time Frequency Analysis Techniques in Terahertz Pulsed Imaging
PhD Thesis, December 2003.
(read an overview or download the abstract)
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Book Chapter
E. Berry, R.D. Boyle, A.J. Fitzgerald, J.W. Handley.
Time-Frequency Analysis in Terahertz Pulsed Imaging
in B. Bhanu and I. Pavlidis, editors, “Computer Vision Beyond the Visible Spectrum”, Chapter 9, pp 271-311, Springer-Verlag, 2005, ISBN: 1-85233-604-8.
J.W. Handley, Netta Cohen, R.D. Boyle, and E. Berry.
An Empirical Analysis of Noise in Pulsed Terahertz Systems
Fluctuation and Noise Letters6 (1), L65-L76, March 2006.
Abstract and PDF
Netta Cohen, J.W. Handley, R.D. Boyle, Samuel L. Braunstein, and E. Berry.
Experimental Signature of Registration Noise in Pulsed Terahertz Systems
Fluctuation and Noise Letters6 (1), L77-L84, March 2006.
Abstract and PDF
E. Berry, J.W. Handley, A.J. Fitzgerald, W.J. Merchant, R.D. Boyle, N.N. Zinov’ev, R.E. Miles, J.M. Chamberlain, and M.A. Smith. Multispectral Classification Techniques for Terahertz Pulsed Imaging: an Example in Histopathology
Medical Engineering and Physics26 (5) pp 423-430, June 2004.
J.W. Handley, A.J. Fitzgerald, E. Berry, R.D. Boyle Distinguishing between Materials in Terahertz Imaging using Wide-Band Cross Ambiguity Functions
Digital Signal Processing14 (2) pp 99-111, March 2004.
J.W. Handley, A.J. Fitzgerald, E. Berry, and R.D. Boyle,
The Short Time Fourier Transform Applied to Terahertz Pulsed Imaging
(abstract SU-C-29A-03 in Medical Physics30(6) p 1541, June 2003.)
Presented at the Medical Imaging Research Symposium, 45th Annual Meeting of the AAPM, San Diego, August 2003.
J.W Handley, A.J. Fitzgerald, E. Berry, and R.D. Boyle.
Wavelet Compression in Medical Terahertz Pulsed Imaging in Physics in Medicine and Biology47(21) pp 3885-92, November 2002.
Published by the Institute of Physics.
J.M. Chamberlain, N.N. Zinovev, A.J. Fitzgerald, E. Berry, G.C. Walker, J.W. Handley, M.A. Smith, R.E. Miles.
What constitutes a useful and meaningful terahertz image?
in Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Terahertz Electronics (THz 2002), pp 81-84, IEEE 2002.
J.W. Handley, A.J. Fitzgerald, E. Berry, and R.D. Boyle, Approaches to Segmentation in Medical Terahertz Pulsed Imaging
in Houston, A. and Zwiggelaar, R. (editors)
Proceedings Medical Image Understanding and Analysis 2002 pp 157-160
J.W. Handley, A.J. Fitzgerald, T. Loeffler, K. Seibert, E. Berry, and R.D. Boyle,
Potential Medical Applications of THz Imaging.
in Claridge, E., Bamber, J., and Marlow, K. (editors)
Proceedings Medical Image Understanding and Analysis 2001 pp 17-20.
J.W. Handley, A.J. Fitzgerald, E. Berry, and R.D. Boyle,
Wavelet Analysis in Medical Terahertz Pulsed Imaging (poster)
Presented at the First International Conference on Biomedical Imaging and Sensing Applications of THz Technology (BISAT) , Leeds, December 2001.
James Handley and Julian Ellison
James Handley and Julian Ellison