Posts in ordination (page 1/7)

Just discovered this random draft from ~2016 of a skit I wrote on “Summertime Blues” by Eddie Cochran. The context is when I was training for ordination at St Hild College. Every year we had a residential Easter school, which at the time was at the University of Durham, and one evening was given over […]

I recently saw a question on The-Social-Media-Platform-Formerly-Known-As-Twitter asking about how people prepare for preaching a sermon. I wrote a short Twitter-esque reply, but thought it was worth a fuller treatment, in case either anyone is interested, or that it may even be helpful! TL;DR Know the context Marinade in the scripture Draw up a draft […]

Mon Jun 21 2021

The Bishop of Leeds is pleased to announce the appointment of The Revd Dr James Handley, currently Assistant Curate of Harrogate St Mark, as Associate Priest of Harrogate St Mark in the Ripon Episcopal Area.  The licensing will be conducted by Bishop Helen-Ann Hartley on Sunday 25th July 2021

Thu Jun 10 2021

Well, my curacy has finished! I received the letter today from the Bishop signing me off – my initial ministerial education is complete. Like the rest of the world, the past 12-18 months have been like nothing I’ve ever experienced or could have expected, and I don’t think I can even start to do it […]

Sun Oct 25 2020

As I have now entered the fourth, and hopefully final, year of curacy, I thought it was about time for an update (seeing as this blog is supposed to be a record of my curacy journey)! As I posted in the September last year, I have been trying to think and reflect a lot more […]

Fri Apr 17 2020

A few weeks ago, I was praying with someone, and I had what I believe was a prophetic word from God for them. While it was for them personally, it came back to me this morning as a much wider word for our times. The essence was about seeking God in the “micro” choices. In […]

Sun Apr 12 2020

It’s Easter morning – Hallelujah. What a strange Easter morning it is though, stuck as we are in the middle of the Covid-19 lockdown. Much much more to be said about all this, about church, about community – but the inspiration for this post was when I was awoken at about 4.30 this morning. You […]

Sun Mar 15 2020

At my work we regularly have business development sessions, where we review performance, do some forward planning, and so on. We also usually do some organisational development – around teamwork, communication, that sort of thing. Last summer we had a session on culture, and the organisational culture in particular. Now I am lucky enough to […]

Sat Jan 04 2020

Over Christmas I watched “Home Alone” with my younger son. I must admit I’ve always wondered why this gets categorised as a Christmas Film, as  the only thing Christmassy about it was the fact it’s set at Christmas (a bit like Die Hard), and has some nod to being apart from those you love. Home […]

Thu Jan 02 2020

It is my experience that some books just scratch where I am itching. It might be the writing style, subject, or simply that it has come at the right time for me to “get it”. These are the books you read that just help things make sense, or put into words the things you’ve been […]