Another film bites the dust – Hideous Kinky with Kate Winslet amoungst others. Not bothered to do a full review as there is nothing really to say; I guess I suffered for not having read the book first, but found the whole film pretty uninspiring. Beautiful photography and costume, but no real character development (or affinity), no great journey, plenty of stuff never explained properly – all art and no substance!
On a happier note, I ordered my new camera last night (thank you again, Cici, for your generosity in death as you were in life). A’s going to wrap it up as a Christmas present for me, but I will get to have a microplay when it arrives; just to check it’s all working and doesn’t need sending back.
End as I finish – two films on time-shift (i.e. video from TV), Bandits and The Siege. Can’t say I know much about them, but both have high calibre actors (Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thorton, Cate Blanchett in the first case, Denzel Washington, Annette Benning, and Bruce Willis in the second), so figure they were worth the effort of setting the video…