Have managed to remove the annoying little gap in my stave, but I then discovered that my combination of tables and CSS was enough to crash Netscape 4. I’ve already got stuff in place that serves up “simple” CSS to older browsers, so it was just a case of removing the stuff that causes them […]
Phew – back to business as usual, at least in the Ben department. Didn’t hear a peep all evening (although to be fair I was out at the School of Computing BBQ yesterday evening), and he’s asleep even now (7am). Very nice too. The BBQ was fun – got to meet lots of other halves […]
Bad night last night – Ben woke up every couple of hours and screamed and screamed until he was picked up, then screamed and screamed until he was put back down, at which point he went straight back to sleep (for another couple of hours). No idea why. Upshot is that today is a “zombie” […]
NTL announced today that they are going to roll out 10Mb broadband to everyone. Well, that’s everyone on NTL, of course. I was quite chuffed when they switched their most basic offering from 300k to 1Mb, but now it would appear that by the end of 2006 I could be on 10Mb at home. The […]
Come up another couple of words that nobody says anymore; crumbs and crickey. Actually I don’t know how to spell that last one! I guess more “mature” words have superceded such mild exclamations of surprise, but I think they still have their place. A. suggested cripes, but I would categorise that in a similar way […]
Have you noticed how nobody says splendid anymore? Or rather (in the sense of something being “rather good”)? I tried them out a few times today, but nobody noticed, which was sad. It was in the context of cricket, so perhaps that’s somehow more acceptable. Quintessential is another word people hardly ever use anymore, “essential” […]
Incidently, forgot to mention – found the wonderful SharpeMusique, a iTunes compatible client for Linux, on nanocrew.net. Took a little bit of hacking to find it, and then even more to get it working, but once it is working it’s ever so fab – and yes, my first purchase was Hayley Hutchinson (79 pence – […]
Had a lovely weekend with Penguin, lots of chatting, catching up, and solving puzzles. We also talked a bit about ‘blogs and the like, and this conversation was enough to tip the balance for me from the title Letters from Leeds being a bit kooky/ironic into being sad/self-important – so I’ve renamed it to plain […]
Dead excited – something I sent in was read out this morning by Jonny Walker on Radio 2. 🙂 Ok, so “media star” might be going a bit far, but it’s a start. Ok, ok, so they didn’t actually mention my name, and so it might have been someone else saying the same thing… .. […]
I got into Su Doku in Cornwall – both sets on in-laws get The Times, which of course prints 3 every day. It’s a very pleasing puzzle to do; not too taxing but yet still stimulating. So I got to thinking about how one would write a computer program to solve ’em, and have now […]