So the exciting news is that I’ve been recommended for training for ordination in the
Church of England. It is probably possible to deduce this from the last few entries, but I didn’t want to come out with it until our friends, families and work-places had been told!
If all goes to plan I’ll start vicar factory in September, train for a couple of years, and then get revved up!
I don’t take it lightly – this is a process that first niggled over 10 years ago, and that we’ve been explicitly persuing for the last 3 or 4 years, and getting that phone call was such a relief. The Christian faith is so full of paradox – I was absolutely certain of God’s calling, yet also doubted I’d got it right.
So the phone call came on route to Trinity College, Bristol, which was a fabulous place, and I’m back for an interview there at the start of March, and if that goes well we’re moving to Bristol in August/September.
So it’s all very Alanis – I’m sad but I’m happy, baby! Very sad to be leaving Yorkshire, but very happy to be starting training. Sad to be leaving all our friends, but happy to be mocing nearer to family.
Anyway, I thought I might record my thoughts and experiences of being an Anglican ordinand here…