Clearly going through a bit of a martial arts phase at the moment – what with Hero last week, Kung Fu Hustle today, and Flying Daggers on the way too! Still, gotta love them. So Kung Fu Hustle… bit of an odd film, to be honest. A strange combination of cartoon violence and real blood, […]
In the funny way the web works, I recently ended up looking at a site all about how to make the best coffee. In fact here it is: the coffee FAQ. The upshot seems to be that you need to grind your own beans, but what’s more those beans need to have been acquired within […]
I’m a great fan of Frank Peretti (This Present Darkness, etc), and tend to snap up his new novels pretty quickly – like Monster for example. Anyway, he’s got this new series going called The Veritas Project (nothing to do with Killroy-Silk!!). The basic is that there is a family of undercover agents who are […]
One of our New Year’s resolutions was to make sure the missus and I both get some “time out” in the week, when we can just do our own thing. Her’s is to go swimming, mine is to watch movies!! So I’ve signed up to easyCinema DVD rental, and the first disk arrived yesterday, happily […]
Well, what a surprising film, at least in terms of story. I won’t go into too much detail, as I don’t want to spoil it, but let’s just say it’s not very Hollywood. Very Crouching Tiger in feel – sweeping scenery, sword fights that are closer to ballet, beautifully filmed and choreographed… very much a […]