Yay – I’ve got a new job!
It starts on the 2nd Jan, and the company are based about 5 minutes cycle away from my house. It’s along a similar vein to my current job, i.e. software development in a GIS context, so mapping and routing, that kind of thing.
The company seem amazing – in fact I’ve been a little bit spooked because the whole thing seems too good to be true. In my experience, things that seem too good to be true often are often exactly that (i.e. not true), but I’ve decided to take the chance that this might be exactly what is seems; that is a job I enjoy doing interesting stuff with nice people in a place that values its staff and does things properly and is near where I live. It wouldn’t be my first job along these lines, but at let’s just say that not all of them necessarily apply to my current position! 🙂
The other thing that spooked me a bit is that this is the first time in my life I’m starting a job that I could realistically expect to still be in 15-20 years time, or indeed might even retire from. Scary…
AND I get Christmas off as I use up my accrued leave – bliss!