I haven’t really got anything to say, but it’s something like 6 weeks since I last posted anything up, which feels like a bit of a poor show.
I guess the exciting topic around at the moment is British politics. Extraordinary (and very encouraging IMO) developments in the political world. I have to say I was disheartended by the Tory majority. I am a significant distance away from Conservative policies, and I thought another Tory government would be disasterous for the country as a whole.
At present, I’m eating my words. I’m stunned that David Cameron has so effectively and decisively formed a collalition government. I’m surprised at the compromises he has made to form it, and his willingness to enter a new era of politics. Any any leader who can stand in front of the press and say:
And if it means swallowing some humble pie, and if it means eating some of your words, I cannot think of a more excellent diet.
makes me sit up and take notice.
On the subject of food, the proof of the pudding is in the eating – but I’m genuinely optimistic that politics is changing (for the better), and that in Cameron and Clegg we may have a safe pair of hands…