I love getting comments on my site, and getting some discussions going. I know I have a couple of friends who read this ‘blog (or who did, anyway), and I have also had several “out of the blue” comments and e-mails to certain posts. I am still very sorry that these historic comments are currently […]
Well, few weeks actually. My Mum had a stroke 3 weeks ago, and while she is making a reasonable recovery, still can’t speak (and may never again), and has limited movement down her right side. With her being so far away, it makes it difficult. The younger boy had Chickenpox before Easter, followed by a […]
Well, that’s it – I decided to go for it. You’re only young once (and for me that was some time ago). My site is now run by WordPress. I haven’t got the theme entirely to my liking – the archive pages and individual post views aren’t great, my twitter feed has vanished off the […]
Ash Wednesday seems to have come around quickly this time! I toyed with the idea of giving up social media, but e-mail, Twitter and Facebook are the way I keep in touch with several of my friends, so it would be a bit like giving up on those relationships for 6 weeks. I’m aware this […]
Finally made it climbing again yesterday – first time since September (and I felt it!). Rather over-did it on the bouldering at the start, and so had all but run out of arm when I moved onto some pitches, but I did manage 4 ascents, ranging from 5 to a 6a (which I was chuffed […]
Well. No. 2 is now well and truly walking. He still stumbles and lands on his rump, but now toddling around is his preferred means of locomotion. He is a complete climber as well. He always has been that way inclined, but now he can climb up onto the sofa and the futon. These aren’t […]
Can’t believe I haven’t blogged about this before! One of the things I came across a few years back were six word stories. The story goes that Ernest Hemmingway was once challenged to write a complete story in 6 words, and he came up with the following: For sale: baby shoes, never worn. He apparantly […]
One of my pictures has made it into the Harrogate Advertiser again this week. There was a particularly amazing sunset, and they invited readers to send in pictures. So I did. And there it was on page 6! I’ve decided I’m going to start a photographic scrapbook, where I can put bits and pieces like […]
Continuing the spirit of my previous post, I’ve got 123 photos to go in my 365 project, and here are some of the photos I want to take.. (links are to tag searches, so the results will change as I upload/tag more photos). Danbo! Portraits The Red Kites Water drops Selfies Street Shots Light trails […]