- Happy New Year to all. Wondering what joys and challenges 2016 has in store… (Fri Jan 01 11:18:15 +0000 2016)
- It might sound odd, but I actually prefer getting up, showered and dressed to lounging around in pyjamas. Not that there’s an option today! (Mon Jan 04 07:18:01 +0000 2016)
- It comes to something when a new toy arrives for the computer, and I’m not going to have time to even unpack it before the weekend! 🙁 (Tue Jan 05 21:53:23 +0000 2016)
- Still, 2,500 words on Eucharistic Prayer F now submitted, Christmas decorations packed away, and new school term launched successfully. (Tue Jan 05 22:00:04 +0000 2016)
- O God, who by the leading of a star manifested your Son to the peoples of the earth, grant that we may behold your glory face to face. (Tue Jan 05 22:13:45 +0000 2016)
- Struck down with tonsillitus. I’m not very good at being cooped up indoors! Still, on the mend… (Tue Jan 12 12:07:58 +0000 2016)
- Do take care driving tonight, fellow YMCers. Looks like it might be snowy. Sorry can’t join you, still convalescing. (Wed Jan 13 13:11:23 +0000 2016)
- Genuinely sad that Sir Terry has passed away. A great loss, and condolences to the family. (Sun Jan 31 16:04:21 +0000 2016)
- I’m not sure that my younger son has quite got the hang on Lent… He’s very excited that his brother is giving up puddings! (Sun Feb 07 10:19:03 +0000 2016)
- Bittersweet service this morning, as we say thank you but also farewell to our vicar of the last 15 years, as he and his wife retire. (Sun Feb 14 08:32:19 +0000 2016)
- But also very happy Valentine’s day, both to those who do and do not have eros if their life right now. (Sun Feb 14 08:36:38 +0000 2016)
- @alexbcann very best wishes for the future – I always enjoyed your show when I could listen, and of course our occasional banter on here!! (Tue Mar 01 21:18:44 +0000 2016)
- I’ve just seen that Condorman is on netflix. How awesome is that? (Fri Mar 11 14:55:12 +0000 2016)
- 18k walk with the scouts. Was good, but i don’t think I’ll be able to move tomorrow! #FortiesAndFeelingIt (Sun Mar 13 17:42:17 +0000 2016)
- I’ve signed the petition calling on the government to keep the BBC free from government control. Will you? https://t.co/qt4fUXfuY5 (Tue Mar 15 21:53:44 +0000 2016)
- RT @JamesPrescott77: Already seeing irrational, illogical, fear-filled reactions to Brussels tragedy.Don’t listen to fear. Fear will just m… (Tue Mar 22 13:20:42 +0000 2016)
- All packed for Easter School tomorrow. Suspect I’m going to regret putting in “Misson of God” on the walk up the hill to St Chads!! (Sat Mar 26 13:32:32 +0000 2016)
- He is risen. The tomb is empty. All is not lost after all! (Sun Mar 27 06:06:33 +0000 2016)
- (It would have been ok if No. 2 son had risen a little later though. I know it was technically 6.30….) (Sun Mar 27 06:07:46 +0000 2016)
- … mind you, I’m as happy and excited as he is. Oh what a morning! 🙂 (Sun Mar 27 06:09:17 +0000 2016)
- RT @JustinWelby: Christ is Risen! May you know the joy, hope, comfort, strength, forgiveness and love that Jesus brings to all. #EasterJoy (Sun Mar 27 06:47:46 +0000 2016)
- RT @Pontifex: Jesus Christ is risen! Love has triumphed over hatred, life has conquered death, light has dispelled the darkness! (Sun Mar 27 06:48:18 +0000 2016)
- Right, on my way to Durham for YMC Easter School 2016. I love travelling by train, and ’tis good liminal space/time. Especially with chocs. (Sun Mar 27 13:38:54 +0000 2016)
- I like the St Chad’s motto – “not what you have, but you, yourself” (“non vestra sed vos” if you’re into Latin) #YMCES16 (Mon Mar 28 10:18:39 +0000 2016)
- Found it helpful to unpack stewardship, especially that God doesnt need us in His relationship with creation. #YMCES16 (Mon Mar 28 10:29:36 +0000 2016)
- RT @ClaireCorley201: “When you’re used to privilege, equality can seem like oppression”. Richard Rohr YMCES16 (Mon Mar 28 12:44:37 +0000 2016)
- It turns out that the lights in Epiphany House turn on and off automatically, and stay on for about half a flight of stairs…. #YMCES16 (Mon Mar 28 12:51:59 +0000 2016)
- RT @ClaireCorley201: “You are being ordained to be a watcher. Watching for glimpses of where God is moving” YMCES16 (Mon Mar 28 16:54:16 +0000 2016)
- Common elements of mission: intentionality, risk taking, serving, invitation to serve, multiplication, new people groups. #YMCES16 (Mon Mar 28 16:57:32 +0000 2016)
- RT @Sam_Tyndall: We are being ordained to be watchers; to be looking for signs of God’s Kingdom work. To be catalysts of mission. @MarkPowl… (Mon Mar 28 16:57:57 +0000 2016)
- Probably not called so much to be “attitude adjusters” (reckon that’s the Holy Spirit’s job!) #YMCES16 (Mon Mar 28 17:32:34 +0000 2016)
- Naboth’s Vineyard illustrates how we get trapped into systems that are destructive and tragic. #YMCES16 (Tue Mar 29 10:05:20 +0000 2016)
- We need climate justice. At present we have no agency; e.g. in supermarkets we are powerless in the face of inequities in the supply chain. (Tue Mar 29 16:15:01 +0000 2016)
- Redemption comes through an equitable distribution of the means to grow food. #YMCES16 (Tue Mar 29 16:17:27 +0000 2016)
- “We read under the eye of God until the heart is touched and leaps into flame.” #YMCES16 (Wed Mar 30 08:23:00 +0000 2016)
- Gen 1:31 blows away 2k years of bad theology. Matter matters to God. #ymces16 #RuthValerio (Wed Mar 30 09:16:22 +0000 2016)
- Being made in the image of God is functional not ontological; it’s a job description. #ymces16 #RuthValerio (Wed Mar 30 09:52:08 +0000 2016)
- Through Jesus there is peace. His life, death, resurrection and ascending have brought about reconciliation. #ymces16 #RuthValerio (Wed Mar 30 09:55:32 +0000 2016)
- RT @ClaireCorley201: @ruthvalerio “many little steps in the right direction” #refreshing #YMCES16 (Wed Mar 30 11:19:27 +0000 2016)
- The primary motivation is what is the right way to live as a follower of Jesus. @ruthvalerio #ymces16 (Wed Mar 30 11:20:38 +0000 2016)
- 4 areas we can change: the food we eat, the way we travel, the energy we use, the things we throw away. @ruthvalerio #ymces16 (Wed Mar 30 11:53:57 +0000 2016)
- Every time @ruthvalerio knew my name, my reaction was “wow – that’s amazing.” It might be related to my wearing of a name badge… #ymces16 (Wed Mar 30 11:58:52 +0000 2016)
- There is already one area where I’m already gold standard eco – I reuse all my jokes (and recycle my sermons). #YMCES16 (Wed Mar 30 13:03:02 +0000 2016)
- Stunning “Liquid Eucharist” celebrating St Cuthbert in Durham Cathedral this evening. I managed 4/7 prayer stations. #ymces16 (Wed Mar 30 20:49:31 +0000 2016)
- Anglican worship should have a proper catholicity, drawing on the universal resource of the church. #ymces16 (Thu Mar 31 09:14:30 +0000 2016)
- Nature and clinate is, to some extent, The physical expression of our spiritual state. #ymces16 (Thu Mar 31 11:37:50 +0000 2016)
- I love that, even after 16 years of marriage, we can still easily spend 2 hours chatting on the phone. #ItMustBeLove (Thu Mar 31 21:23:01 +0000 2016)
- Looking forward to the carousel groups. To carouse: “drink alcohol and enjoy oneself with others in a noisy, lively way.” #YMCES16 (Fri Apr 01 06:12:14 +0000 2016)
- Challenges for church: attractional model, culture of raising leaders (lack of mentoring), being risk averse, fear. #ymces16 @selvaratnam (Fri Apr 01 11:37:08 +0000 2016)
- 5 lessons: extended adolescence; churches made BY not FOR; truth is complex; perhaps less strong on bible; theological honesty. #YMCES16 (Fri Apr 01 11:43:32 +0000 2016)
- Keep your puzzled faces – always work out where God is. #YMCES16 (Fri Apr 01 11:58:30 +0000 2016)
- #ILovePhotocopying @spencerunleashed (Fri Apr 01 20:48:07 +0000 2016)
- Fabulous review, well done all, esp @EveRidgeway #YMCES16 #CuddyDucks (Fri Apr 01 20:57:59 +0000 2016)
- RT @ClaireCorley201: “I don’t go to church but someone said you could help us.. ” #goodplacetostart #YMCES16 (Fri Apr 01 21:27:46 +0000 2016)
- RT @ClaireCorley201: Are we raising up younger leaders to be assistants or successors? Are we raising up leaders to go beyond ourselves?… (Fri Apr 01 21:28:52 +0000 2016)
- RT @JustinWelby: The more Christians pray, the more they become the people of good news for the world around them. #ThyKingdomCome (Fri Apr 01 21:30:33 +0000 2016)
- Well done @EveRidgeway and @hanscombe63 – amazing head students. Looks like we’re in safe hands next year too @ClaireCorley201, @bluefin040 (Sat Apr 02 20:55:45 +0000 2016)
- Great morning of creative and faith-filled ideas. Now almost time to say goodbye to #CuddyDucks and #ymces16 (Sun Apr 03 10:33:33 +0000 2016)
- I’m taken with the concept of “non-anxious presence”. I can see opportunities for me to grow in this area, particularly in my day job. (Sun Apr 03 15:54:37 +0000 2016)
- “I will praise God in the mighty thong” says the Psalm in Compline (but I may have misread it.) Maybe cassocks are a good thing after all. (Mon Apr 04 21:47:14 +0000 2016)
- Super speedy delivery of “Just Living” from @ruthvalerio. It’s going to be the source material for my assembly next month. #CoCreatureliness (Wed Apr 06 06:20:19 +0000 2016)
- Saddened to read that animal welfare guidance is to be weakened. The way we treat poultry is utterly shameful (and dangerous) as it is. (Wed Apr 06 11:50:28 +0000 2016)
- … although @msnorthcott had already convinced me to stop buying chicken at #ymces16. (Wed Apr 06 11:55:03 +0000 2016)
- I put the radio on. 5yo: “In Megan’s car they don’t listen to Stray FM, they listen to Church Songs.” @samanthajoy2 @MediaMartinYFC (Sat Apr 09 09:18:16 +0000 2016)
- Did I mention that there was a lightsabre “welcome back” card waiting for my after Easter School. #HappyDaddy https://t.co/odGyVycaLn (Tue Apr 12 20:10:55 +0000 2016)
- Exciting that the new YMC prospectus is out (with some of my photos in it!) https://t.co/cGHYZRa1od (Thu Apr 21 07:28:01 +0000 2016)
- Feels like everytime I open the news another icon has passed away! The world is a smaller place without you, thank you for what you brought. (Thu Apr 21 19:12:50 +0000 2016)
- Driving home on the M1. I say “we’ll stop at the next services.” 5yo says “which church will that be?” He wasn’t even being funny!! (Sun Apr 24 19:37:17 +0000 2016)
- Big bangs over Harrogate. Sonic boom? Explosion? (Mon May 02 20:53:33 +0000 2016)
- RT @NYorksPolice: Confirmation from RAF that loud bangs heard across the county were sonic booms from RAF Typhoon jets. No cause for concern (Mon May 02 21:17:20 +0000 2016)
- Used to regularly hear sonic booms in the 80s in Norfolk. Rattled the crockery then too! Haven’t heard ones for ages though. (Mon May 02 21:46:28 +0000 2016)
- Strikes me that if Donald Trump were elected, it would ironically prove his “enemy states” right – that Western Democracy doesn’t work. (Tue May 03 06:18:33 +0000 2016)
- Seen at least one graphic of the #SonicBoom which portrays it as having an epicenter and radii #NotHowItWorks #NotAnEarthquakeOrExplosion. (Tue May 03 06:58:17 +0000 2016)
- Up most of the night with a poorly child – not going to sparkle today! But it looks like spring has sprung. (Wed May 04 07:03:12 +0000 2016)
- “Northern Shooting Show” at the Yorkshire Showground – now I know folk round here can be brusque and direct, but is there no other way? (Thu May 05 17:07:11 +0000 2016)
- “He has shown a lamentable want of discretion for his years.” #BeatrixPotter (Sat May 14 08:04:43 +0000 2016)
- Successfully rescued Princess Beauty from the wicked Queen Tangleweed at Alnwick Garden. (Sat May 14 13:18:03 +0000 2016)
- “Yes” from me for the EU – 70 years of peace and stability, and I think the UK still has a part to play. (Fri Jun 03 07:19:00 +0000 2016)
- My 5yo thinks that we pray the Lord’s Prayer slowly… as our saviour tortoise!! #MorningPrayer (Tue Jun 14 07:03:41 +0000 2016)
- There are so many broken people in this world. (Thu Jun 16 14:28:36 +0000 2016)
- RT @OurCofE: Today’s awful news a reminder to be thankful for all MPs – they make themselves vulnerable in every way to serve us. (Thu Jun 16 14:31:55 +0000 2016)
- RT @alexbcann: There are no words to describe my sadness about the death of Jo Cox. Those who are fanning the flames of political hatred, t… (Thu Jun 16 16:35:30 +0000 2016)
- Hope all those who have been peddling fear and hatred are proud of themselves this morning. Sadly they possibly are. (Fri Jun 17 08:02:04 +0000 2016)
- Ever since YMC Easter School I’ve wondered about the link between weather and ethics – interesting to see wild storms on #EUref day… (Thu Jun 23 18:43:13 +0000 2016)
- Very saddened by this morning’s result. It seems to me fear and hatred have won. Guess it’s trump for president next. #EUref (Fri Jun 24 05:42:14 +0000 2016)
- RT @petespurs: Prayers for healing of a deeply divided Britain: https://t.co/Hzf261Wp2x (Fri Jun 24 05:42:44 +0000 2016)
- So the result of the referendum was (roughly speaking) : 1/3 want to leave, 1/3 want to remain, and 1/3 don’t care… (Fri Jun 24 06:47:20 +0000 2016)
- RT @Got_My_Towel: “The nature of democracy even when you lose is better than the alternative.” Well said, @BeardLikeAJedi (Fri Jun 24 08:09:01 +0000 2016)
- Genuine distress at school gate this morning, across demographic spectrum. To be fair, in some cases due to forgotten non-uniform day. (Fri Jun 24 08:11:33 +0000 2016)
- RT @JustinWelby: After #EUref let’s pray we may build a good UK, playing its part among the nations. My statement with @JohnSentamu: https:… (Fri Jun 24 08:22:27 +0000 2016)
- RT @nickbaines: So, the people have spoken. Not clear what they have said, but clear outcome. Now to shape the future & not simply wish it… (Fri Jun 24 08:22:46 +0000 2016)
- “The earth is the Lord’s and all that fills it, •
the compass of the world and all who dwell therein.” #EUref (Fri Jun 24 08:23:11 +0000 2016) - RT @PhilCarman: Excited to announce that I have been appointed to be the vicar of St Andrews Starbeck in Harrogate. @starbeckchurch https:/… (Sun Jul 03 16:32:12 +0000 2016)
- I can report that the drop of sterling hasn’t affected the Tooth Fairy’s leavings. (Sun Jul 10 07:46:34 +0000 2016)
- Message of NT : You can trust Jesus – he is the son of God, God loves you, and when things are tough you can ask for help. @askewben (Sun Jul 10 10:11:51 +0000 2016)
- I don’t follow F1 that closely anymore, but isn’t the point of pits to fix/adjust the cars? Driver’s shouldn’t need radios, really…. (Wed Jul 13 06:22:02 +0000 2016)
- Tonight’s supper is a “Daddy Special.” The fact that my culinary explorations get their own title tells you all you need to know… (Fri Jul 15 15:36:43 +0000 2016)
- On this particular occasion its macaroni cheese, with chick peas and smoked haddock. Tasted ok pre-baking, so signs are promising… (Fri Jul 15 15:39:20 +0000 2016)
- Chickpeas on the menu again tomorrow: lamb, chickpea, and apricot casserole. I’m hopeful that this too will be more coherent then it sounds. (Fri Jul 15 15:45:06 +0000 2016)
- And i also caught a Ratata today. #PokemonGOuk https://t.co/3H28hX9nRU (Fri Jul 15 15:46:54 +0000 2016)
- Woodlands Methodist is a gym, i notice @HannahnagroM @MediaMartinYFC @PhilCarman @starbeckchurch @BBCNews . (Fri Jul 15 17:20:38 +0000 2016)
- Quick check on twitter to see what today’s major geo-political event is… #IsItAllADream? (Sat Jul 16 20:32:49 +0000 2016)
- Turns out @starbeckchurch already a pokestop. Much pokemon after service yesterday. @HannahnagroM @MediaMartinYFC @PhilCarman @samanthajoy2 (Mon Jul 18 06:29:04 +0000 2016)
- My personal challenge for this week is to do better at that remembering that the people I work with are more important than the work itself. (Mon Jul 18 06:31:58 +0000 2016)
- Semi-resurrected my 365, now that term’s over. Dusted off my 100mm macro lens, and having some fun with it! https://t.co/EpiIrFk5J7 (Mon Jul 18 20:50:38 +0000 2016)
- Woke up this morning to find my younger son lying on me. Don’t know how long he’d been there – I normally hear him coming in! #MustBeTired (Sat Jul 23 05:30:06 +0000 2016)
- Feeling very uncomfortable after reading Ann Morisy’s chapter on suburbia and comfortable/insulated “play pen” lifestyles. (Sun Jul 24 14:09:33 +0000 2016)
- Also squirming with analysis that we’re addicted to the trvial, because we darent expose ourselves to true risk in case it shows us up. (Sun Jul 24 14:16:03 +0000 2016)
- … and yes twitter and facebook, i am in part thinking of you…. (Sun Jul 24 14:17:00 +0000 2016)
- Today’s happy thought is that tonight is the last time I’ll have to iron school shirts for 6 weeks. (Sun Jul 24 19:28:27 +0000 2016)
- Such a joy to wake up by the sea. Many thanks to Kate Winslet and Enid Blyton for making the journey seem as quick as the slippery slip! (Mon Aug 01 06:05:27 +0000 2016)
- Tincy bit annoyed that i hadn’t twigged the new Harry Potter was going to be delivered while I was away. Still, nice that it’ll be waiting. (Tue Aug 02 06:13:01 +0000 2016)
- I’m beginning to think that Ann Morisy’s “Journeying Out” should be compulsory reading for Christians. #LifeChanger #Mission (Wed Aug 03 07:32:51 +0000 2016)
- … alongside “Contemplative Youth Ministry” by Mark Yaconelli (whether or not you do youth ministry). Anxiety is so pervasive and toxic. (Wed Aug 03 07:35:19 +0000 2016)
- Absolutely gripped by “Cursed Child” – I think it’s also the first time I’ve been transported to the narrative world reading a play script. (Sun Aug 14 08:15:09 +0000 2016)
- Aha – it’s “beautiful people get results” day in the media. But remember your grades do not reflect or define your worth or identity! (Thu Aug 18 16:22:09 +0000 2016)
- Ordered some posh boots to wear for church stuff once I’m revved up. In honour of pokėmon they are referred to as my “vicar shoes” 🙂 (Sat Aug 20 21:10:06 +0000 2016)
- (You need to say it quickly out loud) (Sat Aug 20 21:11:22 +0000 2016)
- Today is one of those days which challenges my commitment to cycling to work. #Soggy #Monday (Mon Aug 22 06:40:37 +0000 2016)
- 5yo desperate to do the Bake Off tomorrow: “You need to make a mirror glaze, jaffa cakes, and ginger biscuits. I’ll be the judge.” (Thu Sep 01 18:44:40 +0000 2016)
- My respect for Bake Off stars has gone up a notch after my attempt at Viennese Fingers https://t.co/D49sKFlGXF (Fri Sep 02 11:18:47 +0000 2016)
- ST:TNG on Netflix + ironing = my Sunday evenings. (Sun Sep 04 19:36:04 +0000 2016)
- Getting excited about the start of a new year on the Yorkshire Ministry Course. Fab Summer break, now raring to go again! (Thu Sep 08 21:11:43 +0000 2016)
- There’s a great book called “The Prodigal God” by Tim Keller, which talks about God squandering his love on us @leach_mick @starbeckchurch (Mon Sep 12 05:40:36 +0000 2016)
- Fantastic service at @starbeckchurch. Good to hear @PhilCarman and family’s story, and about faith in a great big God! (Sun Oct 02 13:53:23 +0000 2016)
- Becoming increasingly convinced of the importance of story and food at Church. But then I guess that’s kind of what Eucharist is… (Sun Oct 02 16:26:48 +0000 2016)
- Just to be clear, by “story” I dont mean fiction. Narrative, testimony, anamnesis, parable… telling, learning, and growth through story. (Sun Oct 02 17:21:25 +0000 2016)
- ***STOP PRESS*** It turns out irons are far more effective when the plug is switched on at the wall. (Sun Oct 02 18:57:09 +0000 2016)
- There’s nothing quite like putting on a pair of toasty socks straight from the radiator! #WarmToes (Tue Oct 04 06:24:17 +0000 2016)
- Me: Not that Christmas is about treats
6yo: No, it’s about Fr Christmas
Me: Actually Jesus
12yo: Anyway Fr Christmas doesn’t exist
#awkward (Fri Oct 07 06:58:47 +0000 2016) - It’s never really occurred to be before that Advent changes length – this year it’s going to be the longest that it can be! (Tue Oct 11 06:51:34 +0000 2016)
- I love it when my assignments (essays) exactly hit the word count, but I worry the tutors won’t believe me. 🙂 (Sat Oct 15 20:54:11 +0000 2016)
- 6yo’s tooth fell out this morning. Wondering whether to negotiate payments in dollars from the tooth fairy? (Mon Oct 17 11:46:03 +0000 2016)
- Thank you @Morrisons for gingerbread pumpkins. 6yo loves them! https://t.co/q2x7oxF7LA (Fri Oct 28 17:01:24 +0000 2016)
- The fruit is soaking – Christmas cake bake lined up for the morrow. (Sat Oct 29 18:05:25 +0000 2016)
- Saying Morning Prayer at home. 6yo: “When’s the tortoise?” 🙂 (Tue Nov 08 08:20:17 +0000 2016)
- I genuinely fail to comprehend the arguments against speed cameras. No one is making you break the law!! (Tue Nov 08 12:36:21 +0000 2016)
- SNOW!!! (Wed Nov 09 06:45:49 +0000 2016)
- I can’t say I’m happy about the US result, but we are people of love and hope and prayer, and Yahweh is bigger than all of this. (Wed Nov 09 07:55:27 +0000 2016)
- On the other hand, outside looks lovely, and the gently falling snow is very pretty. 3/10 HG2 #uksnow (Wed Nov 09 07:58:47 +0000 2016)
- Seems appropriate to be remembering Leo when the lectionary has Daniel in the lions’ den!! (Thu Nov 10 08:33:43 +0000 2016)
- Jesus’ miracles & parables serve the same purpose: to break in, shock and surprise. To disorientate in order to reorientate. (Ricoeur) (Sat Nov 12 22:22:06 +0000 2016)
- Just realised how similar “pope-ery” and “pot pourri” sound… Makes one wonder about incense’s role in the reformation… (Sat Nov 19 12:59:23 +0000 2016)
- Just come across Mojito Lite’s cover of “Sweet Child o’ Mine”. I like it at lot more than I should by rights. (Fri Nov 25 09:28:25 +0000 2016)
- Great job by all at this eve. Well done and thank you #carolsbyglowlight (Sun Dec 04 20:44:22 +0000 2016)
- I think my favourite Greek philosopher was Isosceles (even though he was a bit of a square). (Thu Dec 08 06:58:13 +0000 2016)
- Teenage babysitter arrives with her jeans slashed up.
6yo: “why have you got holes in your jeans?”
B/s: “Its how I bought them.”
🙂 (Sat Dec 10 07:04:40 +0000 2016) - … work colleague had friends staying with grandparents. Put jeans in wash. Came back darned: “I’ve sewn up those holes for you dear” (Sat Dec 10 07:08:53 +0000 2016)
- Great work do last night. Colleague’s gf was critiquing the cracker joke typesetting… Completely get why he’s in love with her. #ImAGeek (Sat Dec 10 07:51:44 +0000 2016)
- Seems to me that Christmas lights are, in some sense, us joining in the cosmic/astromonical battle between light and dark. #DispelTheShadows (Sun Dec 11 08:44:53 +0000 2016)
- … certainly waking up to lots of dark news this morning. War, violence, and ‘natural’ diaster. #VeniVeniEmmanuel (Sun Dec 11 08:49:22 +0000 2016)
- The proof that Jesus is the Messiah is that people’s lives are changed. Real faith = a changed life. @starbeckchurch (Sun Dec 11 11:31:19 +0000 2016)
- Sat, 5.30am: “Daaa-deeee… is it morning?”
Sun. 6.30am: “Daddy daddy. Is it morning?”
Mon: Needs to be woken up at 7.30 for school!!! (Mon Dec 12 07:34:02 +0000 2016) - I am delighted to announce that from next July I am going to be a curate at St Mark’s, Harrogate @stmarkshgate (one day a week). (Tue Dec 13 08:23:23 +0000 2016)
- A baby is born. A king in a stable?! This is our God. #JoyToTheWorld (Sun Dec 25 06:47:10 +0000 2016)
- Two & a half years of studying theology has increased my appreciation (& in some cases comprehension) of Christmas Carols, if nothing else! (Sun Dec 25 22:21:22 +0000 2016)
- When waking up at 7.30 is a lie in. #parenthood. (Mon Dec 26 07:42:13 +0000 2016)
- I think my boy might be building a time machine… he just asked for 4D batteries (Wed Dec 28 13:57:43 +0000 2016)