Spooky thing – Guns’n’Roses’s Paradise City is quite possibly one of my favourite introductions of all times. I’m not actually wild about the song as a whole, but the first 80 seconds, until the thrashy overdriven bit starts, just hit the spot everytime. Ok, I’m a huge fan of “layering” in almost any song – […]
On the way into work yesterday I saw a Scottish lorry with the logo Thistle Removals emblazoned across the side… … I wondered if they also took out splinters?
What an unexpected delight. Failing to read the cover properly, and assuming that because it had Nicole Kidman in it was going to be another Holywood number (itself a strange assumption given the awesome Dogville), I was amazed when it opened with John (Ben Chaplin) recording his pitch for a Russian bride in St Albans […]
I went to an Ebor lecture last week, at York Minster, by the Archbishop of York – John Sentamu. The title was Uncovering the Purposes of God, and he was really talking about the purposes of God through trust and worship of a loving God love for your neighbour care for creation There were two […]
Well, survived my first day in my new job. It’s always an interesting experience starting a new job – new people to meet, new systems and software to learn. I’m very much a pioneer in my outlook, and am happiest when forging ahead with new things, so in many ways the first few months in […]
I don’t think the suffix -trix is used enough these days. It is apparently the feminine version or -tor, thus wherever you could have a (male) -tor, you would have a female -trix. The only two uses that seem to be current are dominatrix and testatrix, but I don’t know why we should stop there. […]
Sorry about all the parenting entries, but I’ve been meaning to say this one for a while! 🙂 One of the thing Ben really likes watching is Storymakers on CBeebies. The basic premise is that when the library closes for the night, these two creatures and a literary magician appear to make stories using all […]
I think my little boy had his first nightmare last night – well his first conscious one anyway. He woke up around 5am in floods of tears saying I don’t like Honk Honk Honk, which would have been quite funny, except that he was so upset. The honk honk honk thing might be one or […]
Go on then – been tagged by watchandweigh who I once shared an office with.. Here goes for my first ever meme… One book that changed your life? The Marriage Book by Nicky and Sila Lee. The affianced and I worked through Nicky and Sila’s course for our marriage prep, and it made us discuss […]
Well, surprise surprise, the accuracy of (native) GPS is not really enough to be useful in a maze, at least not the sort of maze where it’s relatively easy to keep your bearings. The screen resolution also becomes a factor.. if you keep the scale large enough to be able to see paths, then not […]