I’ve just noticed a little milestone has come and gone. On the 9th May 2011 – i.e. ten years ago – I posted my first ever 365 photo, which was (I think aptly enough) a signpost: Since then I have posted 2,006 photos (so picture 2,000 was another milestone I guess), clearly not 365 a […]
My “365” project has had a fresh lease of life recently, since I started almost entirely using my phone camera. It hugely simplifies the workflow (as the photos are auto uploaded from the phone), and also means I’m not lugging around my DSLR. It does mean that the photos are more like snapshots, and perhaps […]
My new “rules” for the 365 have had the opposite of my intended effect! I had hoped they would spur me on to take more photos, but actually there have been two times already when I haven’t taken a photo because I alreeady have “today’s”, and at least one time when I haven’t taken on […]
As one of my resolutions/intentions this year is to take more photos, I’ve decided to resurrect my 365 to a limited extent. I’m aiming for 6 photos a week, with one day off (Saturdays), and I will probably use the camera in my phone at a lot more. As per the original project, it has […]
One of my pictures has made it into the Harrogate Advertiser again this week. There was a particularly amazing sunset, and they invited readers to send in pictures. So I did. And there it was on page 6! I’ve decided I’m going to start a photographic scrapbook, where I can put bits and pieces like […]
Continuing the spirit of my previous post, I’ve got 123 photos to go in my 365 project, and here are some of the photos I want to take.. (links are to tag searches, so the results will change as I upload/tag more photos). Danbo! Portraits The Red Kites Water drops Selfies Street Shots Light trails […]
Wow – I’m halfway through my 365/6 project. Yesterday was my 183rd photo, dedicated to Space Dog in his capsule: I have to say it has been an absolute pleasure. None of these photos have been a chore. There have been varying degrees of effort put in for sure, and large variation in quality, but […]
There’s a pair of Red Kites who cruise around over Harrogate fairly regularly. They are complete teases though, because they never circle for long enough for me to get my camera and long lens. I am determined to get a decent photo, but have so far been thwarted. Out on a walk this afternoon came […]